According to MSN Money, one of about 20 American families have more than $ 8000 of credit cards. Some families with credit card balances can be overwhelming. Creating a plan to reduce credit card debt may be a feasible target. Consumers need to focus on reducing monthly expenses, reallocating funds to credit cards and the creation of a timetable for debt payoff target.
1.Add the credit card debt total. It can be scary, but counting up all the credits cards have begun to reduce total debt. Note each credit card balance total, the monthly payment and interest.
2.Calculate how much you pay each month. Note how much income is earned each month. Next, note how much is spent each month. Subtract expenses from income. Rest of the money should be allocated to the credit card debt. Consumers who do not have money to spare should consider ways to reduce monthly expenses. For example, cable companies spend a lunch to work and carpooling to work, will reduce monthly expenses.
3.Create a deadline for paying the credit cards. For example, a person can decide to be debt free in 36 months. Be realistic to ensure that they can achieve.
4.Calculate the monthly payments. CNN Money offers a computer course, which allows consumers to understand how to reduce the debt card. Enter your credit card details of the debt, as the monthly payments for several months to pay off the debt and whether the calculator is an achievable goal. If the consumer can not pay the debt within the parameters, the calculator can help you make the necessary changes, such as taking more timely profit, or increase the monthly payments.
Tips & Warnings
Request a lower interest rate. High interest rates have a credit card debt expensive. Ask the lender to reduce interest rates. If the company is not going to do, buy a new lender. proposed to transfer the balance to pay debt faster with a lower interest rate.
Paying high credit card interest first. Once the interest of the highest credit card is paid, move in the highest card. Continue until all credit cards are paid.
Avoid paying only the minimum payment. The manufacture of these small payments raise total costs and takes longer to pay credit card debt.
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